Add Asset Information sub-view to Interface models in OneClick
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Add Asset Information sub-view to Interface models in OneClick


Article ID: 32099


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Out of the box, the Asset Information subview is not displayed in the Information for interface models.

Can the Asset Information sub-view be added in OneClick for interface models?

Can the Asset Information sub-view on OneClick be added for interface models?


All supported DX NetOps Spectrum releases


The Asset Information sub-view can be displayed for Interface models in Spectrum OneClick by completing the following on the OneClick server.

  1. Copy the $SPECROOT/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/topo/config/view-defaultportdetails-config.xml file to the $SPECROOT/custom/topo/config directory
  2. Edit the $SPECROOT/custom/topo/config/view-defaultportdetails-config.xml file and add the following bold text:

        <field-subview idref="field-poe-portinfo-config" />
        <!-- Asset Information -->
        <field-subview idref="asset-info-subview-config" expanded="false">

  3. Save the changes.
  4. Log out and then log back into OneClick. You should now see the Asset Information subview in the Information tab of interface models.

Additional Information

Please reference the "OneClick Customization" section of the documentation for more information on customizing OneClick.