Remove old Gen CICS TCP/IP Direct Connect programs TILSTNR and TICONMGR
Article ID: 32096
Updated On:
GenGen - Run Time Distributed
What is needed to remove the old Gen CICS TC/IP Direct Connect programs Listener TILSTNR (trancode TILL) and TICONMGR (trancode TICON)?
Gen 8.5 CICS TCP/IP Direct Connect
Remove the Listener record from the EZACONFG file. The record key is TILL. Furthermore, if use the CICS PLT to start the Listener, remove the entry for that as well.
Work with CICS administrator to remove the CICS definition for: * the trancodes TILL and TICM * the programs TILSTNR, TICONMGR, TIRSDTNZ.
Delete the VSAM shared data tables which are used only by TICONMGR: * TIRINSDT and TIROTSDT
Additional Information
Cleanup the EZACONFG and PLT before removing the transaction/program definitions or CICS will produce error messages at startup/shutdown that will require an operator response, because the transactions/programs are no longer available.