To enable the communication between the Usage Meter and the Cloud Provider Navigator (CPN) portal.
Upgrading to vCloud Usage Meter 4.8 can result in the below error message in the vCloud Usage Meter Web interface.
Failed to process journal=>read. Hostname localhost not verified: certificate: sha256/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx= DN: CN=photon-machine,ST=Statename,C=subjectAltNames: []. Check the appliance logs for more details
This is a known issue with Usage Meter 4.8
If the hostname is incorrectly set when generating the self-signed certificate, upgrading to vCloud Usage Meter 4.6 or later results in an error message in the vCloud Usage Meter Web interface.
This is a known issue. Below is the workaround.
There is a workaround, the steps are mentioned below.
" in the Usage Meter Console window to perform the workaround.