Installing the deployPkg plug-in in a Linux virtual machine with open- vm-tools version lower than 9.10
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Installing the deployPkg plug-in in a Linux virtual machine with open- vm-tools version lower than 9.10


Article ID: 320265


Updated On: 11-19-2024


VMware vSphere ESXi


This article provides steps for installing the deployPkg plug-in in a Linux virtual machine. This KB article is applicable to open-vm-tools 9.4.x only.
open-vm-tools version 9.10.0 and later includes the functionality provided by open-vm-tools-deploypkg and there is no need to install this additional package. open-vm-tools-deploypkg will conflict with open-vm-tools 9.10.0 and later therefore it should be uninstalled before upgrading to open-vm-tools 9.10.0 or later.



VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0
VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0
VMware vSphere ESXi 6.x
VMware vSphere ESXi 5.x


With open-vm-tools version 9.10 and later, the following steps are not needed. To determine the version of open-vm-tools installed, run this command:

vmware-toolbox-cmd -v

If you are using the virtual machine as a template or SRM (Site Recovery Manager) to customize virtual machines after fail over, then install the deployPkg Tools plug-in.

Note: If you are using RHEL7 minimal or CentOS7 minimal, Perl must be installed for customization to function.

To install this plug-in in RHEL7:

  1. Obtain and import the VMware Packaging Public Keys:
    1. Create a directory on the virtual machine to store the VMware Packaging Public Keys.
    2. Download all the VMware Public Packaging Public Keys from the directory.
    3. Save the key files to the directory you created.
    4. For each key that you download, run this command to import the key:

      # rpm --import /key_path/key_name

      Where key_path is the directory in which you saved the keys and key_name is the file name of a key.


  1. Create a file /etc/yum.repos.d/vmware-tools.repo with this content:

    name = VMware Tools
    baseurl =
    enabled = 1
    gpgcheck = 1


  1. To install the package, run this command:

    $ sudo yum install open-vm-tools-deploypkg
  2. To reload the plug-in, restart running this command:

    sudo systemctl restart vmtoolsd

To install this plug-in in Ubuntu:

  1. To obtain and import the VMware Packaging Public Keys:
    1. Create a directory on the virtual machine to store the VMware Packaging Public Keys.
    2. Download all the VMware Public Packaging Public Key files from the directory.
    3. Save the files to the directory you created.
    4. For each key that you download, run this command to import the key:

      $ sudo apt-key add /key_path/key_name

      Where key_path is the directory in which you saved the keys and key_name is the file name of a key.


  1. Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vmware-tools.list with this content:


  1. To install the package, run this command:

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install

Note : The ubuntu installation is no longer functional, at least for ubuntu 12.04

To install this plug-in in SLES 12:

  1. Create and edit the VMware zypper repository:
    1. Add the Yum-style repository as a zypper service.
    2. Type the entire command:

      # zypper addservice
    3. Verify the repository configuration:

      # zypper packages vmware-packages
  2. To install the package, run this command:

    # zypper install open-vm-tools-deploypkg
  3. To restart open-vm-tools, run this command:

    sudo systemctl restart vmtoolsd

Deploy Pkg plugin for Libmspack0 required packages:

  • libmspack
  • open-vm-tools-deploypkg

Manual install deployPkg plugin:

  • Access the URL , and download package libmspack0 and open-vm-tools-deploypkg according to your Guest OS and release version.
  • Install these 2 packages in Guest OS
  • To install this plug-in in RHEL7 and SLES 12:
# rpm -ivh libmspack0-<version>
# rpm -ivh open-vm-tools-deploypkg-<version>
  • To install this plug-in in Ubuntu:
# dpkg -i libmspack0-<version>
# dpkg -i open-vm-tools-deploypkg-<version>

Note: Guest OS Customization on Fedora 17 is not supported.