How to zip and remove old vIDM logs in vIDM appliance and clean up syslog
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How to zip and remove old vIDM logs in vIDM appliance and clean up syslog


Article ID: 320129


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


Older logs might result in disk space issues, In those situations we can follow the steps mentioned in resolution 


Identity manager 3.3.x


To zip the old log files and remove the old vIDM application logs, Download the attached script. The script removes only old and unopened log files and is safe to execute this script.

The script does the following:

  1. Finds the old vIDM application log files present in /opt/vmware/horizon/workspace/logs folder and compress them and stores the compressed file in the same folder.
  2. If the compression is successful it removes the old log files and prints SUCCESS and exists with status code 0.
  3. If compression is not successful then it prints "Failed to compress logs" and exists with status code 1.
Steps on how to run the script.
  1. Download the attached script to any folder in an vIDM appliance say /home/sshuser.
  2. Login to the appliance as "sshuser" or "root" user and change directory to /home/sshuser , using command cd /home/sshuser.
  3. Provide execute permission using command "chmod 755"
  4. Run the script :
Steps on how to clear issue related to syslog 
  1. First clear any pending open files running 
    lsof -n | grep delete
  2. Then restart rsyslog
    systemctl restart rsyslog


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