This article describes a specific issue. If you experience all of the above symptoms, consult the sections below. If you experience some but not all of these symptoms, your issue is not related to this article. Search the
Knowledge Base for your symptoms or
Open a Support Request.
Possible scenarios to consider:
- Cloning an IDE disk virtual machine to the same ESXi/ESX 4.x host with Changed Block Tracking (CBT) enabled fails.
- Cloning an IDE disk virtual machine from ESXi/ESX 4.x host to ESXi 5.0 host with CBT enabled is successful.
- Cloning a SCSI disk virtual machine from ESXi/ESX 4.x host to another ESXi/ESX 4.x host is successful.
This article only applies if all of these statements are true:
- The virtual machine in question uses IDE disks and Changed Block Tracking (also referred to as CTK)
- vCenter Server version is 5.0 or higher
- The virtual machine is on an ESXi/ESX 4.x host