In vSphere 8.0 U2c the VM Operator pod's memory limit is increased to 500Mi.
It is possible user workloads will still go over the 500Mi limit. If OOM errors are still encountered on later revisions of vSphere with Tanzu, it maybe be required to increase the limit greater than 500Mi, this will be environmentally dependent. Follow the workaround below to increase the limit accordingly.
The memory limit of the VM Operator pod can be increased. The following steps describe how to increase the limit to 500Mi (MB) or higher as needed:
1. SSH into the vCenter appliance:
ssh root@<VCSA_IP>
2. Follow
KB 90194 to ssh into the Supervisor Control Plane VM as root.
PLEASE NOTE: When on the supervisor control plane VM you have permissions to permanently damage the cluster. If VMware Support finds evidence of a customer making changes to the supervisor cluster from the SV VM, they may mark your cluster as unsupported and require you redeploy the entire vSphere with Tanzu solution. Only use this session to test networks, look at logs, and run kubectl logs/get/describe commands. Do not deploy, delete, or edit anything from this session without the express permissions from VMware Support or specific instructions about what exactly you need to deploy/delete/edit from a kb.
3. Scale down the VM Operator deployment so no pods are running:
kubectl -n vmware-system-vmop \
scale deployment vmware-system-vmop-controller-manager \
--replicas 0
4. Increase the memory limit to
500MB (or greater if required) for the VM Operator pod using the following command:
kubectl -n vmware-system-vmop \
patch deployment vmware-system-vmop-controller-manager \
-p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"manager","resources":{"limits":{"memory":"500Mi"}}}]}}}}'
5. Scale the replicas back to their original value:
kubectl -n vmware-system-vmop \
scale deployment vmware-system-vmop-controller-manager \
--replicas 3
Everything should now work correctly. If OOM errors are still encountered, increase the memory limit in increments of 50Mi until the VMOP pods run normally.