vmware-system-user account expired on TKGS Guest Cluster nodes
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vmware-system-user account expired on TKGS Guest Cluster nodes


Article ID: 319375


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VMware vSphere ESXi VMware vSphere with Tanzu


This article provides a daemonset that can be applied on Guest Clusters to update the vmware-system-user password expiry, allowing SSH sessions to Guest Cluster nodes if required


  • Users are unable to connect via SSH directly to TKGS Guest Cluster nodes using vmware-system-user account
  • TKR 1.23.8 vmware-system-user password is set to expire in 60 days as part of STIG Hardening.
  • While this is implemented as part of Security Hardening this impacts the ssh login to the nodes once the password has expired.




VMware vSphere 7.0 with Tanzu


Change the vmware-system-user password expiry on Existing Clusters using the following daemonset:


  1. Create a yaml file called pass_expiry.yaml using the following command, copy from cat <<EOF>> until the EOF line at the bottom:

    # cat <<EOF>> pass_expiry.yaml
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: DaemonSet
      name: cluster-admin
          tkgs: cluster-admin
            tkgs: cluster-admin
            - name: hostfs
                path: /
            - name: init
              image: ubuntu:23.04
                - /bin/sh
                - -xc
                - |
                  chroot /host chage -l vmware-system-user \
                  && chroot /host chage -m 0 -M -1 vmware-system-user \
                  && echo expiry updated \
                  && chroot /host chage -l vmware-system-user \
                  && echo done
                - name: hostfs
                  mountPath: /host
            - name: sleep
              image: localhost:5000/vmware.io/pause:3.6
          - effect: NoSchedule
            key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane
            operator: Exists
          - effect: NoSchedule
            key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
            operator: Exists
          - key: CriticalAddonsOnly
            operator: Exists
          - effect: NoExecute
            key: node.alpha.kubernetes.io/notReady
            operator: Exists
          - effect: NoExecute
            key: node.alpha.kubernetes.io/unreachable
            operator: Exists
          - effect: NoSchedule
            key: kubeadmNode
            operator: Equal
            value: master

    This will create a yaml file called pass_expiry.yaml which we can apply to the Guest Cluster.
    As per the YAML file above, this daemonset creates a pod on each node in the guest cluster and runs a few commands to set the vmware-system-user to no longer be expired and to never expire. vmware-system-user is VMware by Broadcom Support's breakglass user.

  2. Use the kubectl vsphere login command to log into your Guest Cluster:
    • kubectl vsphere login --insecure-skip-tls-verify --server <SUPERVISOR_VIP> --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace <GUEST_CLUSTER_NAMESPACE> --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name <GUEST_CLUSTER_NAME>
  3. Apply the daemonset yaml created in Step 1:
    • kubectl apply -f pass_expiry.yaml
  4. Confirm that the daemonset shows a total count of Ready daemonsets equivalent to the total number of nodes in the environment:
    • Note: The cluster-admin daemonset is often created in the default namespace
    • kubectl get ds cluster-admin -n <namespace>
  5. If the total Ready count of the daemonset does not match the total number of nodes, describe the cluster-admin pod for more information:
    • kubectl get pods -n <namespace> | grep cluster-admin

      kubectl describe pod <cluster-admin-pod> -n <namespace>


For NAPP Clusters:

  1. SSH into one of the NSX Managers to connect to the NAPP cluster
  2. Create the pass_expiry.yaml file with the contents above:
    • vi pass_expiry.yaml
    • Apply the daemonset:
      • napp-k apply -f pass_expiry.yaml
  3. Confirm that the daemonset shows a total count of Ready daemonsets equivalent to the total number of nodes in the environment:
    • Note: The cluster-admin daemonset is often created in the default namespace.
    • napp-k get ds cluster-admin
  4. If the total Ready count of the daemonset does not match the total number of nodes, describe the cluster-admin pod for more information:
    • napp-k get pods | grep cluster-admin

      napp-k describe pod <cluster-admin-pod>


  • In newer TKC versions supported on vSphere 7.x and 8.x, the DaemonSet fails to configure the vmware-system-user account to never expire on the control plane (master) nodes.

    To resolve this, the toleration for running on the control plane nodes was updated as follows:

- effect: "NoSchedule"
key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane"
  operator: "Exists"

The control plane node is tainted with the node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane key, rather than being specifically tainted as a master node. All other tolerations are left unchanged.


  • If the following error message regarding a missing pause image is encountered, this indicates that the cluster has a different pause image version than specified in the above daemonset YAML. Pause image versions can change between TKR version and will need to be updated accordingly. Please reach out to VMware by Broadcom Support noting the error message and KB article:
    • Back-off pulling image "localhost:5000/vmware/pause:3.6"


  • If the Kubernetes version is 1.25+ it is necessary to set  right Pod security for the 'default' name space. Otherwise, the daemonset will not be scheduled.
    The describe output of the deamonset will show the Pod security errors.

Events:   Type     Reason        Age   From                  Message   ----     ------        ----  ----                  -------   Warning  FailedCreate  49m   daemonset-controller  Error creating: pods "cluster-admin-bdrkf" is forbidden: violates PodSecurity "restricted:latest": allowPrivilegeEscalation != false (containers "init", "sleep" must set securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation=false), unrestricted capabilities (containers "init", "sleep" must set securityContext.capabilities.drop=["ALL"]), restricted volume types (volume "hostfs" uses restricted volume type "hostPath"), runAsNonRoot != true (pod or containers "init", "sleep" must set securityContext.runAsNonRoot=true), seccompProfile (pod or containers "init", "sleep" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost") 

In those situations, apply the Pod security setting as below for the 'default' namespace and re-apply the daemonset to fix the issue.

kubectl label --overwrite ns default pod-security.kubernetes.io/enforce=privileged