Refresh API for Edge VM deployed using NSX-T Manager hits error 16047
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Refresh API for Edge VM deployed using NSX-T Manager hits error 16047


Article ID: 319081


Updated On:


VMware NSX



For edge nodes deployed using NSX Manager, if there are changes to VM external to NSX Manager such that the VM MoRef at vSphere changes, the deployment config at NSX Manager may have discrepancies as compared to the current edge VM config at the compute manager. For example, the VM is removed from vSphere inventory and consequently added back.

  • Edge placement config at NSX Manager may not reflect current name, networks and placement configuration of the edge VM at the compute manager.
  • Using NSX Manager, update of Edge VM networks and name fails.
  • Refresh job that syncs VM info from compute manager fails.

Edge VM lifecycle management operations  like Update and reporting current state activity are impacted.
Edge routing continues to function.

From var/log/proton/localhost_access_log.txt

2020-05-11T10:36:38.865Z - "POST /nsxapi/api/v1/transport-nodes/af9a4d90-aa9b-48d3-a520-b739ad7a4f97?action=refresh_node_configuration&resource_type=EdgeNode HTTP/1.1" 400 224 4448 4448

Relevant log location

Sample log entry:

2020-05-11T10:36:38.863Z INFO http-nio- AuditingServiceImpl - FABRIC [nsx@6876 audit="true" comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" reqId="f0633a4d-aeea-41c5-8a99-df071b85db4a" subcomp="manager" username="admin"] UserName="admin", ModuleName="TransportNodeLcm", Operation="RefreshTransportNode", Operation status="failure", New value=["af9a4d90-aa9b-48d3-a520-b739ad7a4f97"]
2020-05-11T10:36:38.864Z INFO http-nio- NsxBaseRestController - - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" subcomp="manager"] Error in API /nsxapi/api/v1/transport-nodes/af9a4d90-aa9b-48d3-a520-b739ad7a4f97?action=refresh_node_configuration&resource_type=EdgeNode caused by exception {"moduleName":"FABRIC","errorCode":16047,"errorMessage":"[Fabric] Refresh edge null placement configuration failed. Check network connectivity of the edge node."}


VMware NSX-T Data Center


After removing edge VM from vCenter Server and adding it back, its moref changes because of which getVMConfig returns null.


This is a known issue affecting NSX-T Data Center and currently there is no resolution.

NOTE: “Removal of vCenter Server from NSX-T Manager is restricted from NSX-T Data Center 3.x and later release (Condition : If there are NSX deployed VMs present on that vCenter).”

Auto-deploy and configure the Edge VM. Use 'Replace edge cluster member' workflow to move all logical config to the new VM.
Delete the previous edge VM from VC and NSX manually.

Additional Information

Steps to reproduce this issue:

1. Remove edge VM from VC inventory.
2. Register edge VM to the VC.

1. Remove edge VM from VC inventory.
2. Remove VC from NSX.
3. Register edge VM to the VC.