NSX Edge upgrade or new deployment fails on 4.1.1 when the upgrade or installation is attempted on older CPUs
NSX Edge upgrade or new deployment fails on 4.1.1 when the upgrade or installation is attempted on older CPUs
Article ID: 319072
Updated On: 12-27-2024
VMware NSX
An Edge upgrade or a new deployment of Edges fails on NSX 4.1.1
Edges datapath fails to come up after an upgrade to NSX 4.1.1
Datapathd service crashes, and Edges alerts: "Pnic status of the edge transport node <UUID> is down", and "Overall status of the edge transport node <UUID> is down"
Edge datapath and lb-dispatcher core dump at /var/log/core/
Edge VM or BME CPUs that don't support the AVX2 instruction set are impacted when upgrading to 4.1.1.
On the Edge, run 'lscpu | grep avx2' to verify if the CPU supports avx2. Example on Edge which does support avx2:
In an Edge support bundle, the following command can be run to verify if the CPU supports avx2:
less /proc/cpuinfo | grep avx2
In NSX 4.1.1 due to the DPDK upgrade on Edges, the machine type for building the DPDK was inadvertently set to 'native' rather than the previously used 'corei7'. This restricted the supported CPU types for the Edge VMs and BMEs to newer CPUs only.
This issue is resolved in NSX 4.1.2.
Workaround: Open a Service Request with Broadcom support to rollback the Edge upgrade.
Additional Information
Impact/Risks: Edge upgrade or new deployment to NSX 4.1.1 fails.