OpenSLP vulnerabilities have been disclosed that affect ESXi. These vulnerabilities and their impact on VMware products are documented in the following VMware Security Advisories (VMSAs), please review these before continuing as there may be considerations outside the scope of this document:
To implement the workaround perform the following steps:
1 Login to the ESXi hosts using an SSH session (such as putty)
2 Stop the SLP service on the ESXi host with this command:
esxcli system slp stats get
3 Run the following command to disable the SLP service:
output: slpd off
To remove the workaround perform the following steps:
output: slpd on
Later versions of ESXi report the SLPD service in the vCenter GUI
1. To check if you can update the SLP service via the vSphere client, login to the vCenter
2 Select the ESXi host and click on "Configure" -- "Services". Look for SLP in the list
If SLP is not listed, then use the process detailed above
3 Select SLPD and click on "Stop" and then click "Ok"
4 Select " Edit Startup Policy" and select "Start and stop manually". Click Ok
5 Reverse the steps above to re-enable the service