VCF 4.5 Configuration Drift Bundle update fails with error: Failed to remove existing HA Isolation Addresses on vSAN Clusters
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VCF 4.5 Configuration Drift Bundle update fails with error: Failed to remove existing HA Isolation Addresses on vSAN Clusters


Article ID: 318638


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VMware Cloud Foundation


The application of VCF 4.5 Configuration Drift Bundle on the SDDC Manager fails at the stage: Remove all existing HA Isolation Addresses on the vSAN Cluster.

The error message looks something like this:

Checking the thirdparty logs in the lcm directory, we see logging similar to this:

2022-10-12T13:14:30.879+0000 DEBUG [vcf_migration,0000000000000000,0000] [c.v.e.s.c.c.v.vsphere.VcManagerBase,pool-5-thread-13] Retrieved MoRef: {"_type":"ClusterComputeResource","_value":"domain-c64"}
2022-10-12T13:14:30.893+0000 ERROR [vcf_migration,0000000000000000,0000] [c.v.e.s.c.c.v.vsphere.VcManagerBase,pool-5-thread-13] 
Failed to remove cluster <cluster_name> Ha isolation address
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
    at com.vmware.evo.sddc.common.client.vmware.vsphere.VcManagerBase.removeClusterHaSettingsByMoid(
    at com.vmware.vcf.migration.actions.RemoveExistingHaIsolationAddressesAction.execute(
    at com.vmware.vcf.migration.actions.RemoveExistingHaIsolationAddressesAction.execute(
    at com.vmware.evo.sddc.orchestrator.platform.action.FsmActionState.invoke(

Checking the vSphere HA Advanced Options at the cluster level, we see that the advanced options are missing, or only contain entries for isolation addresses.


VMware Cloud Foundation 4.5


The Configuration Drift Bundle for VCF 4.5 expects certain specific vSphere HA Advanced options to be already configured for the vSAN Clusters. If those specific options are missing - the application of the config drift bundle fails with an error.


This issue is resolved in vCloud Foundation 4.5.1.

1. Login to the vSphere UI for the vCenter(s) in question.

2. Select the affected cluster at which the config drift bundle application is failing.

3. Select Configure > Under Services, vSphere Availability > Edit

4. Select Advanced Options 

5. Add the following entries, and Click OK:

das.IgnoreInsufficientHbDatastore    true
das.IgnoreRedundantNetWarning    true
das.IncludeFTcomplianceChecks    true
das.iostatsInterval   0
das.respectVmVmAntiAffinityRules   true

Note: The entries are not case sensitive.

Repeat this process to add the vSphere HA Advanced options entries for any vSAN Clusters that maybe missing these entries across all the WLDs under this SDDC Manager.

Once the entries are added and are present on all the vSAN clusters, we can attempt the Configuration Drift Bundle update again.

Additional Information

MINIMAL: The steps in workaround involve manually adding vSphere HA Advanced options. There is no impact to any services or workloads.