FAQ: Recommendation for drivers/firmware
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FAQ: Recommendation for drivers/firmware


Article ID: 318542


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


This article provides information on frequently asked questions and answers regarding drivers/firmware.




This article is intended to clarify the most appropriate organization to address device driver and/or firmware questions.  


1. Who develops the drivers/firmware?

VMware does not develop or test drivers/firmware. The hardware vendor develops, tests, and certifies the drivers and the firmware for their components. VMware has very few specific drivers which are developed by VMware.

Driver Types:
Native - written for ESXi without use of Linux libraries.
Note: ESXi 7.0+ no longer supports VMKlinux drivers which are Linux library dependent

Inbox - VMware built-in to ESXi install
Async - hardware vendor provided, sometimes with links from VMware for convenience.

2. What does the Hardware Compatibility list contain?

The Broadcom Hardware Compatibility List is the aggregation point for the information as provided by the vendor.

The vendor does the certification test, and then passes the information on to VMware by Broadcom, who then posts the information on the Web site at Broadcom Compatibility Guide

The driver versions are normally published in a newest-first sequence.

If one or more firmware versions is noted on the driver line, this is not a prescription, but rather it is the tester's documentation of the version of firmware that happened to be present in the hardware that was used to do the testing.



3. Where can I find the updates on the drivers and firmware?

For the latest updates and information regarding drivers and firmware, we recommend contacting the hardware vendors directly.

Some vendors have custom ways of updating drivers and/or firmware, so the vendor should be given the following information as part of a request for the latest bug fix release of the driver, and the latest bug fix release of firmware that should be paired with that driver version.

a) Product Name (Make and Model) of the server

b) Product Name (Make and Model) of the device (i.e. network adapter, and/or HBA)

c) Version and build of ESXi that is installed.  

Once that information is provided, then the vendor should be requested to provide the appropriate procedure to obtain and install the new versions. 

It is very important that both the firmware and the driver versions be aligned.  

NOTE:  In the context of this article, the word "vendor" means:

a) The server vendor, if the server was purchased with the device (network adapter and/or HBA) installed; or

b) The vendor of the device, if the device (network adapter and/or HBA) was purchased separately. 



Additional Information

To determine the Network or Storage Firmware and Driver versions in an ESXi host, refer the KB: Determining Network/Storage firmware and driver version in ESXi (323110)

Many times people assert that older versions of driver and/or firmware are "supported" because they are listed on the HCL.  

However, it is a fact that if newer releases are issued, the only reason for the newer version is to fix one or more defects. 

And since the purpose of driver and firmware code is to properly handle I/O, it is a best practice to have the latest bug fix releases of both in an installation.  

As a general rule, if one suspects an I/O issue, one should request updated information from the vendor, obtain the updated code, update the server, and then reproduce the error condition.