Unable to download or map binaries for products in Aria Suite Lifecycle - LCMSOURCEMAPPING10018
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Unable to download or map binaries for products in Aria Suite Lifecycle - LCMSOURCEMAPPING10018


Article ID: 318499


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • Not able to upload binaries in LCM:
Selected files checksums does not match with any product versions supported by VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle
One or more selected files checksums does not match with any product versions supported by VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle: [/data/Prelude_VA-]
  • Manually downloading and mapping the binaries fails with:
Error Code: LCMSOURCEMAPPING10018. Selected files checksums does not match with any product versions supported by VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle.One or more selected files checksums does not match with any product versions supported by VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle: [/PathToBinary/VMware-vRealize-Log-Insight-8.12.0-21696970.pak]


Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.x
vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 8.x
Aria Operations for Logs 8.x


1. The issue occurs when you try to download or map binaries for a product not supported by your LCM version and PSPack.
2. Aria Suite Lifecycle does not accept patches/hotfixes that are not wrapped in the .patch file from the Broadcom Support Portal.
3. Aria Operations/Aria Operations for Logs 8.14 and below versions' hotfixes were not wrapped in .patch files, so the hotfix .pak file for those versions downloaded under the products will not work in LCM.


1. Make sure the necessary Product Support Pack version of LCM is applied.
For more information on the product support pack including installation instructions see the Product support pack's release notes:
2. If there are issues with applying Aria Suite products' patches/hotfixes, either apply the applicable newer versions' upgrade PAK file, or the .patch file that contains the patches/hotfixes. Please refer to the following documentation for more details: