Upgrade to vCenter 7.0 Update 2 fails at Stage 2 with error The source disk '/' is too small to fit the export requirements.
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Upgrade to vCenter 7.0 Update 2 fails at Stage 2 with error The source disk '/' is too small to fit the export requirements.


Article ID: 318157


Updated On: 02-23-2024


VMware vCenter Server


This article provides a workaround so that the upgrade can be completed using the VAMI of the newly deployed 7.0 Update 2 Appliance.

  • You're trying to upgrade to vCenter Server 7.0 Update 2 from a previous release
  • The upgrade data to be exported from your Source vCenter is too large for the available free space in the Root partition '/' on the source vCenter Appliance.
  • After completing the Stage 1 of the upgrade process you continue to Stage 2 in the UI installer and you do not get an option to select an 'Export Directory'.
  • A short time afterwards the upgrade fails at Stage 2 with the following error
  • In bootstrap.log or upgrade-export.log files located at/var/log/vmware/upgrade you see entries similar to:

Note: the above files can be obtained either in the log bundle you download when you press "Logs" at the screen where error is shown (see screenshot above) or in the newly deployed vCenter Appliance virtual machine.

2021-04-21T20:29:13.308Z INFO validate_utils Source export disk mounted on '/'.
2021-04-21T20:29:13.308Z INFO validate_utils Source disk '/' size requirements (GB): Total (with buffer): 1.9700000000000002; Available: 1.3
2021-04-21T20:29:13.308Z ERROR validate_utils The source disk '/' is too small to fit the export requirements. Required total GB: 1.9700000000000002. Available GB: 1.3
2021-04-21T20:29:13.310Z ERROR __main__ Export validations failed.
2021-04-21T20:29:13.310Z ERROR __main__ ERROR: Fatal error during upgrade EXPORT. For more details take a look at: /var/log/vmware/upgrade/export-upgrade-runner.log
2021-04-21T20:29:13.310Z WARNING root stopping status aggregation...
2021-04-21T20:29:13.315Z WARNING __main__ Destination repository /storage/seat/cis-export-folder/system-data/cis_upgrade_data.sfe does not exist. Skip merging.
2021-04-21T20:29:13.316Z INFO root Exiting with exit-code 1



VMware vCenter Server 7.0.x


This is a known issue affecting earlier releases of vCenter Server 7.0 U2, it has been fixed in vCenter Server 7.0 U2c.

  1. Initiale stage 1 again to upgrade using the UI installer.
  2. Once Completed, do not select continue.
  3. Next navigate to https://<vc-temporary-ip>:5480/configure/ and continue with upgrade
Please note, ensure that in the URL it is displayed configure and not configurev2