This issue is resolved in vCenter Server 6.5 Update 1d, available at
VMware DownloadsWith the fix,
- For Dedicated host policy, vSphere HA will tolerate maximum host capacity by 5% or configured Overhead values before generating Insufficient resource message
- To configure Overhead values, add below advance parameters to vCenter:
- The above values can be derived as difference between desired resources for admission control and resources reservation noticed in vpxd.log entry similar to the symptom section of this article
- To add values in web client:
Select “vCenter”, select “vCenter Servers”, select the appropriate vCenter Server and select the “Manage” tab, select “Settings” and “Advanced Settings
- These advanced options were rephrased in vsphere65u2 to be as following:
To workaround this issue, use any one of the below options
- Use other admission control policies (slot or percentage based policy)
- Use host with maximum CPU and Memory among all the hosts as dedicated host.