Upgrade of ESXi hosts to 8.0 fails with an error about missing checksums
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Upgrade of ESXi hosts to 8.0 fails with an error about missing checksums


Article ID: 318056


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi



The following errors might be encountered during installation or upgrades of ESXi hosts to 8.0:

  1. Update Manager compliance scans indicates that a baseline (creating used an imported ISO) is Incompatible and the error details indicate an error on the following lines:
    The following VIB(s) on the host or in the chosen baseline(s) do not have the required checksums on their payloads: {some VIB names}
    This will prevent VIB security verification and secure boot from functioning properly. Please remove these VIBs and check with your vendor for a replacement of these VIBs.

  2. While using esxcli software vib, profile or apply command to install VIB or upgrade the system, you see ProfileValidationError like:
    In ImageProfile (Updated) {Image Profile Name}, the payload(s) in VIB {some VIB name} does not have sha-256 gunzip checksum. This will prevent VIB security verification and secure boot from functioning properly. Please remove this VIB or please check with your vendor for a replacement of this VIB. Please refer to the log file for more details.

  3. While creating a ESXi server using an ISO image or while using the scripted installation, the following error is seen:
    Found=[{some VIB names} Expected=[]
    These VIB(s) do not have the required sha-256 gunzip checksum for their payloads. This will prevent VIB security verification and secure boot from functioning properly. Please remove these VIBs and check with your vendor for a replacement of these VIBs.>


VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0.x


If there are VIBs present on ESXi that do not have the “sha-256” checksum-type and “gunzip” verify-process pair in the VIB metadata, an upgrade to ESXi 8.0 will fail, with a message identifying the VIBs that prevented the upgrade.


While the problematic VIBs are part of the host, the upgrade/installation cannot proceed. Thus, one of the following can be done:
  1. Please check with the vendors of the problematic VIBs if there are any updates available to the same. If available, please update these VIBs (using either a VUM baseline or using the esxcli commands) and retry the upgrade operation.
  2. If the problematic VIBs are not in use or no longer needed, remove them using esxcli command:
“esxcli software vib remove –vibname <vibname1> –vibname <vibname2> –vibname <vibname3> …”
and reattempt the upgrade operation.
If the following VIBs are installed on the host, the required customer action (for upgrading to 8.0) is listed below:

Dell has released newer version of perccli utility for ESXi 7.0  with different name “vmware-perccli64”.
Customer needs to remove old VIB and install newer one before upgrading.

Broadcom has released newer version of storcli for ESXi 7.0 with different name “vmware-storcli64”.
Customer needs to remove old VIB and install newer one before upgrading.

Broadcom has newer version of this package for ESXi 7.0 with different name “Broadcom-ELX-esxcli-elxmmt”.
Customer needs to remove old VIB and install newer one before upgrading.

Some Avaya VIBs  are not supported anymore, hence needs to be removed for upgrade, this includes:

New Avaya product offering uses esxcli software profile install -p $PROFILE (profile install) instead of (profile update) to remove previous VIBs and installs the new ones.

Following VIBs are being developed with HEXDK version: vmware-esx-hexdk-devtools-7.0.0-1.0.15843807.x86_64, so new 7.0 version will be available:

Dell sas-raid_boss-cli_6.x, SuperMicro TAS:
Not supported on 8.0
Remove VIB in order to upgrade to 8.0
6.7 patch supports NetAppNasPlugin 1.1.2-3 which isn't supported for upgrade directly to 8.0. NetApp has newer version of this package from ESXi 7.x (NetAppNasPlugin.2.0-15.vib)

Either approach is possible during upgrade to 8.0
1. Upgrade ESXi >=7.0.1 version followed by updating NetAppNasPlugin to 2.0-15 before 8.0 upgrade.
2. Remove older NetAppNasPlugin vib before upgrade to ESXi8.0. Post upgrade, NetAppNasPlugin 2.0-15 vib can be installed.

Note: The error in Lifecycle Manager might not contain the offending vibs, and instead show {precheckError}. In these cases, you can determine the problematic vibs from the /var/log/vmware/vmware-updatemgr/vum-server/vmware-vum-server.log file:
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MSZ info vmware-vum-server[07580] [Originator@6876 sub=HostUpgradeScanner] [scannerImpl 661] Precheck script test result: '
ERROR', test 'MISSING_GUNZIP_CHECKSUM_VIBS', expected '', found 'LSI_bootbank_vmware-perccli-007.0318.0000.0000_007.0318.0000.0000-01' and errortype is 42

YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MSZ info vmware-vum-server[07580] [Originator@6876 sub=HostUpgradeScanner] [scannerImpl 1749] (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [
-->    (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) {
-->       key = "com.vmware.vcIntegrity.HostUpgrade.MissingGunzipChecksumVibs",
-->       arg = (vmodl.KeyAnyValue) [
-->          (vmodl.KeyAnyValue) {
-->             key = "found",
-->             value = "LSI_bootbank_vmware-perccli-007.0318.0000.0000_007.0318.0000.0000-01"
-->          }
-->       ],
-->       message = <unset>
-->    }
--> ]


Additional Information

This issue is being checked by Diagnostics for VMware Cloud Foundation.

The check is as follows:

  • Product: vCenter
  • Log File: vmware-vum-server.log