/storage/log is full on Aria Operations
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/storage/log is full on Aria Operations


Article ID: 318019


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • The /storage/log partition is full on one or more Aria Operations node and these log files are consuming this space:
    • /var/log/auth.log
    • /var/log/messages
    • /var/log/warn


Aria Operations 8.x


In Aria Operations 8.x this is caused by the move to Photon OS and an incorrect log rotation mechanism.


To resolve this issue remove the /var/log/warn/var/log/auth.log, and /var/log/messages files.

  1. Log into the Aria Operations node as root via SSH or Console, pressing ALT+F1 in a Console to log in.  
  2. Run the following command to stop the syslog service:

    service syslog stop

  3. Remove the /var/log/warn/var/log/auth.log, and /var/log/messages files by running this command:

    rm -f /var/log/warn* /var/log/auth.log* /var/log/messages*

  4. Run the following command to start the syslog service:

    service syslog start

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 on any other affected nodes.

Note: If this article does not resolve your issue:


Additional Information

Logs only fill the /storage/log partition. Removing log data will not reduce space in the other partitions.

It is recommended to take a snapshot following How to take a Snapshot of VMware Aria Operations (342576) before proceeding with the steps below.