This issue is resolved in VMware NSX Data Center for vSphere 6.4.10, available at
VMware Downloads .
Recovery after edge is impacted:
Option A:
On the impacted edge HA pair, set admin state to down on the active edge node from NSX UI.
Refresh the UI.
Once the standby node changes HA state to active, set admin state back to UP from NSX UI.
Refresh the UI and ensure both the edge nodes show admin state UP in UI and HA state has converged(Active/Standby)
Option B:
Reboot the active edge appliance via vCenter server.
In case the edge upgrade or the redeploy operation has not been performed use one of the options below as a potential workaround:
Option 1: Disable HA prior to the upgrade or redeploy and keep edge running without HA (stand alone)
Option 2: Prior to upgrade or redeploy of HA edge, please make sure edge 'node-0' is on standby and node-1 is active state, otherwise follow the Option A as mentioned above.