vSAN Health Service - Performance Service - Stats DB object conflicts check
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vSAN Health Service - Performance Service - Stats DB object conflicts check


Article ID: 317847


Updated On:


VMware vSAN


This article explains and provides a work around for issues with the vSAN Performance Service. 
"Hosts Not Contributing Stats".



VMware vSAN (All Versions)


Q: What does the Performance Service - Stats DB object conflicts check do?

A: The check verifies if there are multiple Stats DB objects.

Q: What does it mean when it is in an error state and how do i troubleshoot the issue?

A: Multiple Stats DB objects can be found in the cluster. The one in use might not be the one with the most relevant history. This can happen after a cluster merge. If the other Stats DB objects are no longer useful, then the datastore browser can be used to delete the additional renamed directories. The renamed directories, such as ".vsan.stats (1)" are shown in the health check results. You can find the renamed directory in the root directory of the vSAN datastore.

If the other Stats DB objects are useful, they can be backed up as files through the datastore browser, or they can be renamed and kept in the datastore. Merging of multiple Stats DB objects is not supported.

Screenshots showing the delete process with the datastore browser:

Confirm the error in Skyline Health:

Find the renamed object folders in the datastore browser:
Delete the renamed object folders:

Additional Information

7.x there is an option in vCenter UI to disable and then re-enable the Performance Service. 

In 8.x

The service has to be stopped with RVC tool from the vCenter CLI.

  1. Log into RVC via vCenter SSH.
    1. Open vCenter SSH.
    2. Log into shell
    3. Run the command: rvc
    4. Login with administrator@<domain>@localhost
  2. cd into localhost > datacenter > computers > vSAN Cluster
  3. Then run the command to delete the vSAN performance object: vsan.perf.stats_object_delete .
  4. Once deleted, proceed to create the vSAN performance object by using the command: vsan.perf.stats_object_create .
Note: You can also re-enable Performance Service via the vCenter Web Client.