The following logs can be seen: (NCP log on the master node)
og":"2021-04-08T14:16:20.975Z Node01 NSX 13 - [nsx@6876 comp=\"nsx-container-ncp\" subcomp=\"ncp\" level=\"WARNING\"] vmware_nsxlib.v3.client The HTTP request returned error code 409, whereas 201/200 response codes were expected. Response body {'details': 'Operation failed because of conflicting transaction. Transaction ID: 61bf44a1-1234-####-####-########e66 Address: 618535031', 'httpStatus': 'CONFLICT', 'error_code': 603, 'module_name': 'common-services', 'error_message': 'The object was modified by somebody else. Please retry.', 'error_data': {'STREAM_ID': '3f6a4c95-c4a8-####-####-########8df', 'CONFLICT_VALUE': 'CommunicationMap [DisplayName =ds-tmbdevasx, precedence=13000099, category=APPLICATION, tcpStrict=true, stateful=true, anyScope=true, isDefault=false, connectivityStrategy=null, defaultRuleId=null, schedulerPath=null]', 'CONFLICT_KEY_HASH': '-1648387927382211737', 'CONFLICT_KEY': ... {"log":"2021-04-08T14:16:20.975Z Noed01 NSX 13 - [nsx@6876 comp=\"nsx-container-ncp\" subcomp=\"ncp\" level=\"ERROR\" security=\"True\" errorCode=\"NCP00117\"] nsx_ujo.ncp.nsx.policy.nsxapi update_security_policy_rule failed, cause: Unexpected error from backend manager (['']) for PATCH policy/api/v1/infra/domains/k8sdomain1/security-policies/ks81/rules/ir_1234a15a-d9ec-12ec-1234-fd12e523a781: The object was modified by somebody else. Please retry. ...
This issue has been fixed in NSX-T 3.1.2 release.
Manually add NoExecute on node agent daemonset.
tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule key: - effect: NoSchedule key: - effect: NoSchedule key: - effect: NoExecute operator: Exists