Autodeployed stateless host fails to exit maintenance mode
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Autodeployed stateless host fails to exit maintenance mode


Article ID: 317652


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VMware vSphere ESXi


When deploying a stateless host with Auto Deploy, the host remains in maintenance mode and fails to apply the host profile.


The Hostprofile Apply task should remove the mapped proxy switch and apply the real DVS configuration to the host, but the task to remove the mapped proxy switch fails with an uplink busy error, causing the apply profile task to fail.

The DVS apply task then begins before the removal of the mapped proxy switch is able to complete, so as a result, the uplink is not removed and the DVS operation fails.


This issue is resolved in:

Additional Information

  • The /var/log/syslog.log file displays entries similar to:

    YYYY-MM-DDT<time> Host Profiles[36511]: WARNING: applyHostProfile utility leaving host in maintenance mode during post boot configuration.
    Apply Error: None
    Reapply Required State: ['DvsProfile']
    Early Boot Failed State: None

    YYYY-MM-DDT<time> Host Profiles[33466]: INFO: Failed to get profile for deferred param path network.GenericNetStackInstanceProfile["key-vim-profile-host-GenericNetStackInstanceProfile-defaultTcpipStack"].GenericDnsConfigProfile
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time> Host Profiles[33466]: INFO: Failed to get profile for deferred param path network.dvsHostNic["key-vim-profile-host-DvsHostVnicProfile-Plt-72-VSM-1-n1kv-vmotion-192_168_1_0-vmk1"].ipConfig
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time> Host Profiles[33490]: INFO: Failed to get profile for deferred param path network.dvsHostNic["key-vim-profile-host-DvsHostVnicProfile-Plt-72-VSM-1-n1kv-vmotion-192_168_2_0-vmk1"].ipConfig</time></time></time></time>

  • The /var/log/hostd.log file displays entries similar to:

    YYYY-MM-DDT<time> VirtualSwitch: Unable to Add Uplink vmnic2. Sysinfo error on operation returned status : Busy</time>
  • The /var/log/vmkernel.log file shows entries similar to:

    YYYY-MM-DDT<time> cpu36:35011 opID=cddc15d1)NetTeam: 571: Failed to register uplink vmnic2: Busy</time>
  • The vpxd.log file displays entries similar to:

    YYYY-MM-DDT<time> [07340 error 'DvsCore' opID=1e3dbabb] [HostCapsule::SyncDvsPortStateBetweenHostAndVC] RetrieveDvsConfigSpec on host [] failed for DVS [name]: caught exception[vim.fault.NotFound]
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time> [07340 error 'DvsCore' opID=1e3dbabb] [HostCapsule::SyncDvsPortStateBetweenHostAndVC] FetchPortState on host [] failed for DVS [Plt-72-VSM-1]: caught exception[vim.fault.NotFound]
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time> [06224 error 'DvsCore' opID=1e3dbabb-SWI-35ed7260] [MoDVSwitch::CreateApplyDVPortListMethod] ApplyDVPortList on host [] failed for when calling FetchPortState on host for DVS [de 2g 34 50 ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## ac 8f 98 31]. Caught exception[vim.fault.NotFound]. Adding to rip queue
    YYYY-MM-DDT<time> A specified parameter was not correct: dvsName </time></time></time></time>