To stop the false SNMP traps.
Example: A "vmwVmHBLost" event has occurred, from GnSNMPDev device, named esxi1.. A
virtual machine has detected a loss in guest heartbeat. vmwVmID = 3
vmwVmConfigFilePath = /vmfs/volumes/########-########-f11/VM/VM.vmx
vmwVmDisplayName = VM vmwVmDisplayName.vmwVmIdx = 3
However, it's advised to update to the latest ESXi 7.0 release. Please find the ESXi download packages by doing the following:
1. Login to the Broadcom Support Portal
2. Select "My Downloads"
3. Select "VMware vSphere"
4. Select the entitlement, i.e,
"VMware vSphere - Enterprise Plus"
5. This window defaults to "Primary Downloads". Select the major version, i.e.
6. In the row titled "VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi)" select "View Group"
7. In the upper right of the next window use the pull-down menu to select the minor version, i.e,
8. Select the cloud-download icon to download the ESXi ISO image or the ESXi offline bundle format file
# esxcli system snmp set --notraps <MIB ID>
# esxcli system snmp get