Virtual Machine UUID (bios.uuid) may changes post a HA isolation event
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Virtual Machine UUID (bios.uuid) may changes post a HA isolation event


Article ID: 317633


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


To fix the incorrect UUID.

  • ESXi host(s) recently experienced a HA isolation event and multiple VMs were powered-off
  • Datastores experienced an All-Paths-Down(APD) situation 
  • After recovering from the outage, one or more VMs have their Virtual Machine UUID changed to a different value
  • Full or Incremental Backups of these VMs could fail with the below error:
"A Filespace already exists for virtualmachine <VM Name> but with a different virtualmachine UUID <old uuid> than the current virtualmachine UUID (<current uuid>


This behavior is caused due to  the binary-to-text conversion functions not matching, resulting in a VM being 
incorrectly configured with a UUID.


This issue is resolved in vCenter Server  6.5 U3f and 6.7 U3b versions.
To download refer KB: Download Broadcom products and software

To workaround this issue edit the VMX file of the VM and update it with the line:

uuid.action = "keep"

Refer article 'Changing or keeping a UUID for a moved virtual machine' for details on this workaround.

Additional Information

See KB

Backup software and other products with APIs depending on the VM UUID might fail to perform the expected tasks.