ESXi 6.5 U1 host fails with PSOD (purple screen of death) on server with AMD EPYC 7xx1 processors
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ESXi 6.5 U1 host fails with PSOD (purple screen of death) on server with AMD EPYC 7xx1 processors


Article ID: 317628


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


Fix the VMware NVMe driver and corrects the PSOD issue for above configured servers with AMD EPYC 7xx1 processors.


The VMware NVMe driver would cause a PSOD when ESXi 6.5 update 1 with AMD EPYC 7xx1 processors is booted on a server with an NVMe device present.


This issue is resolved in ESXi 6.5, Patch Release ESXi650-201712001, available at Broadcom Patch Downloads.

Note: Although these issues do not affect all servers based on the AMD EPYC 7xx1 Processor, VMware strongly recommends that all servers based on AMD EPYC 7xx1 processors be updated.