1. Upgrade to a newer version of VMware Tools (versions after 10.2.0).
Note: VMware CAF Management Agent service (ManagementAgentHost.exe) is stopped by default in VMware Tools > 10.2.0. Do not enable VMware CAF Management Agent service manually.
2. If using VMware Tools 10.2.0
On Windows VM:
Manually stop VMware CAF Management Agent service (ManagementAgentHost.exe) and change the start type to manual after installing or upgrading to VMware Tools 10.2.0. The script that is attached in this article can be used to stop VMware CAF Management Agent service within multiple VMs.
On Linux VM:
a) If virtual machine needs to install or upgrade to VMware Tools 10.2.0, use this command to upgrade VMware Tools:
/vmware-install.pl -d ENABLE_CAF=no
b) If virtual machines are already working using VMware Tools 10.2.0,