Upon completion of Storage vMotion within the same array (leveraging the XCOPY VAAI primitive), the virtual machine may:
This issue is currently under investigation by both DellEMC and VMware engineering teams. Please refer to the following DellEMC article for more information:
There is no resolution at this time. Please review the workaround section to mitigate this issue.
At this time, the only known workaround is to disable the XCOPY VAAI feature either on the ESXi host or at the PowerMAX V4 array level. To disable XCOPY on ESXi, please see the following KB article: Disabling Hardware Accelerated Move (XCOPY) in ESXi (2146567)
For details to disable XCOPY on the array please reference the dell article: https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000210352
The XCOPY primitive is not the source of the issue, but has been found to trigger the issue.
Disabling XCOPY is a global setting on ESXi hosts so if other array make and models are in the environment and XCOPY is still desired to be used for operations on the other arrays then the recommended solution is to disable XCOPY at the PowerMAX V4 level. To do this, please contact DellEMC support for their assistance.