- You will observe either IP_CONFIG_INVALID or Invalid IP configuration in the NSX UI under section System --> Fabric --> Hosts/Nodes --> click host and view details --> Physical Adapter --> click vmnic
- If you run the command esxcli network ip interface ipv4 get as root user on the ESXi hosts you will observe there are no vmnics present. This is because the vmnics would not have had a IP address configured
- If you run the API GET /api/v1/transport-nodes/<tn-uuid>/network/interfaces on the NSX Manager as root user you should observe a similar output to the one below:
root@nsx-mngr-01:~# curl -k -u admin -X GET https://localhost/api/v1/transport-nodes/########-####-####-####-########48e9/network/interfaces
Enter host password for user 'admin':
"results" : [ {
"admin_status" : "UP",
"interface_id" : "vmnic0",
"link_status" : "UP",
"mtu" : 8900,
"interface_type" : "PHYSICAL",
"connected_switch" : "SwitchName",
"connected_switch_type" : "DVS",
"interface_alias" : [ {
"broadcast_address" : "",
"ip_address" : "",
"ip_configuration" : "IP_CONFIG_INVALID",
"netmask" : "",
"physical_address" : "##:##:##:##:##:b6"