A. Verify the brick size of the the platforms is consistent (size should be the same) across all nodes and reflects what customer configured :
ubuntu@platform1:~$ ./run_all.sh "sudo cat /home/ubuntu/build-target/deployment/brick-size.info"
If not consistent, please re-adjust based on customer's needs :
** How to change brick size **
** Brick size guidelines **
** To track history of the brick changes **
grep "Old Brick" laun*.log in launcher logs directory
grep "Found brick" laun*.log in launcher logs directory
** Check number of vcpu / memory assigned **
./run_all.sh "nproc --all"
./run_all.sh "free -g"
** check deployment id on all nodes **
./run_all.sh "sudo grep "id:" /etc/vnera/deployment/deployment.def"
Once you confirmed the brick size and deployment id is consistent on all nodes, please go to step B.
B. Delete lock files and change keys in rdb
1. Delete lock files with :
./run_all.sh "sudo rm -f /home/ubuntu/build-target/deployment/reconfigure.lock "
2. Confirm in rdb "DeploymentState" is set as "Running"
- ubuntu@platform1:~$ rdb
- arkin> key_val_tool -cid 0 -m get -key DeploymentState
The get command should output "Running"
If the output is "Running", continue to the steps below, otherwise stop here, and ping @ktrinh on slack.
- arkin> key_val_tool -cid 0 -m set -key DeploymentState -val "Done"
- arkin> key_val_tool -cid 0 -m get -key DeploymentState
At this point, the get command should output "Done" and you should be able to access the UI again.