How do you delete an unwanted data collector in CA Performance Management?
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How do you delete an unwanted data collector in CA Performance Management?


Article ID: 31731


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


When a Data Collector is no longer needed, it is best to remove it so as not to allow for unwanted error messages concerning system state and to properly maintain an efficient environment. This article describes how to do this.

How do I delete a Data Collector (DC) from the NetOps Portal data collector list?


All supported Performance Management releases


The following is the process to properly remove a Data Collector. These steps can be taken before, or after, uninstalling the Data Collector.

NOTE: Do NOT delete an IP Domain before removing an unwanted Data Collector. If the IP Domain associated to the Data Collector is removed/deleted before the Data Collector, the Data Collector removal then requires database commands and a Data Aggregator services restart. This is avoidable by removing the Data Collector first, then the IP Domain may be deleted.

If the Data Collector has already had the IP Domain it relates to deleted, this REST based removal of the Data Collector will fail. Please engage support for database commands to assist with a Data Collector removal in that scenario.

  1. Using a REST client (run a GET) or browser tab go to the URL:
    • http://<DA_HOST>:8581/rest/dcms/
  2. Note the number between the ID tags for the Data Collector that requires removal. The Data Collector name will be in the <DcmID> field, the ID will be in the <ID> field.
  3. In a REST client API:
    1. Set the method to DELETE
    2. Set the following URL using the <ID> value for the Data Collector found on the DA:8581/rest/dcms page:   ex. <ID>5150<ID>
      • http://<DA_HOST_IP>:8581/rest/dcms/<ID>
      • example:    http://DA_Host:8581/rest/dcms/5150
    3. Send the request.


When that is completed the Data Collector should get removed from the DA:/rest/dcms page and should also be gone from the Performance Management web UI.

Additional Information

  • The data collector must not have any devices on it to perform the above procedure.  So existing devices will need to be either deleted or moved to another collector using the "rebalance" functionality
    • <DA_HOST_IP> in the above URL represents the Data Aggregator (either hostname or IP address).
  • The content type must be set to application/xml; charset=UTF-8 with the REST client before the above procedure can be performed