vSAN configure tab is missing in vCenter Web Client GUI
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vSAN configure tab is missing in vCenter Web Client GUI


Article ID: 317240


Updated On: 11-27-2024


VMware vSAN


The purpose of this article is to understand the role of vSAN plugin.


  • In vCenter, even after enabling the vSAN feature at the cluster level, the vSAN configuration tabs are missing. An example as shown below as screenshot.


VMware vSAN 7.0.x
VMware vSAN 8.0.x


The vSAN H5 Client Plugin plays a crucial role in VMware environments, serving as a key component for managing and configuring VMware vSAN through the user-friendly vSphere HTML5 Client. When deployed accurately, this plugin seamlessly integrates with the vSphere HTML5 Client interface, providing users with a comprehensive toolset to oversee and fine-tune their vSAN settings.

When not implemented correctly, it can result in the absence of vital Configuration Tabs within the vSphere HTML5 Client interface.


  • Ensure that the vSAN plugin is displaying as Green Deployed/Enabled in the vCenter Administrator---> client plugins.
  • If the vSAN client plugin shows an incompatible/failed/disabled status, the vSAN configuration option may not be visible in the vCenter GUI at the cluster level.


  • A vCenter reboot should resolve the issue.
  • At times, a plugin may appear as incompatible as shown in the screenshot below.

  • Validate the content of the file : /etc/vmware/vsphere-ui/compatibility-matrix.xml  on the vCenter  ( take a root login through the putty session)
  • Make sure that the status is not marked as incompatible ( marked in the orange box below ).
  • If the status is listed as incompatible, then proceed to remove the specific entry from the file, ensuring to take a backup of the file in safe location.

Additional Information

Related  KB :  How to Disable VMware Plugins in vCenter Server per VMSA-2021-0002, VMSA-2021-0010, VMSA-2021-0010 (83829) 


vSAN configuration is not possible through the vCenter GUI, preventing the addition of a host to the vSAN cluster or any configuration update in the vSAN cluster