Instructions to get a Dump for a VM Product
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Instructions to get a Dump for a VM Product


Article ID: 31720


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VM:Backup for z/VM VM:Backup High-Speed Disaster Recovery Option (HiDRO) Mainframe VM Product Manager VM:Manager Suite for Linux on Mainframe VM:Manager Suite for z/VM VM SUITE VM:Operator VM:Schedule VM:Secure for z/VM VM:Spool VM:Tape for z/VM


How to get a Dump for a VM Product?



NOTE: In these instructions VMaaaa refers to the name of the user ID for the product. Typically this will be VMBACKUP, VMSECURE, VMTAPE, etc.

On VMaaaa, in CP READ mode, type VMDUMP 0-END, then Enter. 

When the dump has finished you will get a 'Command complete' message.

On VMaaaa, issue the Q RDR (or RDRLIST) command. In the list of reader files, your dump will look similar to this: 


VMaaaa    0212 V DMP 00003413  001 NONE                           OFF  OFF  

The main thing to look for is a class with DMP. This is just to confirm that you have a dump file in your reader.

Re-IPL CMS and order the reader, then issue the DUMPLOAD command.

When you get the message 'HCPEDZ8156A DO YOU WANT TO PROCESS THIS DUMP? (YES/NO)', reply YES.

The first dump file in the reader with HOLD = NONE will be copied onto your minidisk as PRB00000 DUMP0001 A. Its HOLD status will be changed to USER. If you have more dumps, repeat the process. The file name will be incremented by 1 each time (i.e. PRB00001, PRB00002...).

After you have the dump on your A-disk, please CMS COPYFILE PACK the file first, then send to via FTP in binary.

Additional Information

For more information on the DUMPLOAD utility, see the IBM z/VM: CP Commands and Utilities Reference. After the DUMPLOAD has completed, you may use DUMPSCAN to view the dump if you wish to review it yourself.