Example:All references to IPFix binding and profile are gone from policy, both API return 0 results:
curl -k -u 'admin:VMware1!VMware1!' -X POST 'https://localhost/policy/api/v1/search/aggregate?page_size=50&cursor=0&sort_by=display_name&sort_ascending=true' --data '{"primary":{"resource_type":"GroupMonitoringProfileBindingMap"}}'
curl -k -u 'admin:VMware1!VMware1!' -X POST 'https://localhost/policy/api/v1/search/aggregate?page_size=50&cursor=0&sort_by=display_name&sort_ascending=true' --data '{"primary":{"resource_type":"IPFIXDFWProfile"}}'
The IPFix mapping is still in MP:
curl -k -H 'X-NSX-Username: UC' -H 'X-Nsx-Groups: superusers' -X GET http://localhost:7440/nsxapi/api/v1/ipfix/configs -s | python -m json.tool
VMware NSX-T Data Center
IPFIX global profile provider is creating duplicate IPFIX profiles for a segment on MP. Two different provider threads are processing the realization of segment IPFIX profile in parallel, which is resulting in this issue - locking is done with different keys and it is not effective in preventing this problem.
Upgrade to NSX-T 3.0.2
Open a Support Request and a member of the NSX-T support team will assist with the removal of this configuration.