Not able to apply DFW rules on a few VMs that are a part of the "SECURITY ONLY" TN cluster
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Not able to apply DFW rules on a few VMs that are a part of the "SECURITY ONLY" TN cluster


Article ID: 317150


Updated On:


VMware NSX


To unblock the customer if a situation as the above may arise.

DFW rules not working for the VMs in question. 

Relevant Log Location

Use the below on the Esx host where the problematic VM is located and check if any filter is applied to the port in question and what is the corresponding LSP id:

summarize-dvfilter | grep -i <vmname> -A10

Followed by:
vsipioctl getrules -f nic-########-eth0-vmware-sfw.2
WHERE the nic id is pulled from the output of the first command on the line following "vNic slot 2"


VMware NSX-T Data Center


After TN install is complete and the logical port id (LSP id ) for a VIF is updated by NSX manager.
Due to port not being ready the opsagent is not able to apply the config and reports an error for the operation "operation failed, error code [bad0003]"

Due to the above incomplete extraconfig on the VIF, DFW rules/filters are not added.


Currently there is no resolution.

Open an SR with VMware Support.

Trouble shooting example:
summarize-dvfilter | grep -i <port> -A10

world ######### vmm0:abc vcUuid:'## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##'
 port ######## abc.eth0
  vNic slot 2
   name: nic-#########-eth0-vmware-sfw.2
   agentName: vmware-sfw
   state: IOChain Attached
   vmState: Detached >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Detached
   failurePolicy: failClosed
   serviceVMID: none
   filter source: Dynamic Filter Creation
   moduleName: nsxt-vsip-20115690

vsipioctl getrules -f nic-########-eth0-vmware-sfw.2
Filter Name : nic-########-eth0-vmware-sfw.2
VM UUID : ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
VNIC Index : 0
VNIC UUID : ########-####-####-####-############.000
LSP ID : 4361<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< LSP ID not the NSX pushed instead a Normal DVGP based id.
Service Profile : --NOT SET--
Filter Rule Config : none<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<No rules added
Filter Hash : 63522
No rules.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
# From NSX manager desired state manager file capture what is NSX based LSP id pushed for the port in question :
"display_name": "abc.vmx@##########",
 "id": "########-####-####-####-################",
# validate the host logs for the logical port id: ########-####-####-####-################ update from NSX to Host and if we encounter failure setting the extraConfig properties correctly as below :
Nsx-syslogs on Esx host :
2022-xx-xxTxx:xx:xx:xxxZ nsx-opsagent[##########]: NSX ##########- [nsx@#### comp="nsx-esx" subcomp="opsagent" s2comp="nsxa" tid="##########" level="INFO"] [PortOp] Adding [] value [########-####-####-####-############]
2022-xx-xxTxx:xx:xx.xxxZ nsx-opsagent[144903633]: NSX ##########- [nsx@####comp="nsx-esx" subcomp="opsagent" s2comp="nsxa" tid="##########" level="ERROR" errorCode="MPA44205"] [PortOp] Port set for extraConfig property [] operation failed, error code [bad0003]

Additional Information

No DFW security posture on the impacted VMs


dvports get_app