After NSX-T In-place upgrade failure, vMotions off host fail because "the network is under maintenance"
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After NSX-T In-place upgrade failure, vMotions off host fail because "the network is under maintenance"


Article ID: 317143


Updated On:


VMware NSX


After NSX-T In-place upgrade failure on a host, vMotions off of the host are failing with "Currently connected network interface" 'Network adapter X' cannot use network '<host switch>', because "the network is under maintenance".


the top error would be if we are migrating the VM from the host that is having issue to the outside, if we are migrating VM's to the host in question you will be the following errors


Follow steps from "In-place Upgrade Fails" documentation (select correct version):
1. Log in to vCenter Server and place the host in question in maintenance mode.
2. For an ESXi 7.0 host, use the following command to clear the upgrade status flag on the host:
nsxcli -c set host-switch upgrade-status false
3. vMotion the VM's out of the host.
4. Reboot the host and resume the upgrade process.

Additional Information

Without evacuating VMs and rebooting the host in question, the upgrade cannot proceed.