Exception occurred when retrieving work item from Manager Service
Run the below commands using an elevated command prompt.
Note: Update italicized text based upon your environment.
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Server\Model Manager Data\Cafe\
Rename vcac-config.data vcac-config.old
Vcac-Config.exe GetServerCertificates -url https://vRA-Appliance-or-LoadBalancer-FQDN --FileName .\vcac-config.data
Vcac-Config.exe RegisterSolutionUser -url https://vRA-Appliance-or-LoadBalancer-FQDN --Tenant vsphere.local -cu "[email protected]" -cp Password --FileName .\Vcac-Config.data -v
Vcac-Config.exe MoveRegistrationDataToDB -d DB_Name -s Server_name -f .\Vcac-Config.data -v
Where DB_Name is the IaaS SQL database name and Server_name is the IaaS SQL Server.