2020-06-29T18:26:31.011719996Z stderr F E0629 18:26:31.011472 1 controller.go:258] controller-runtime/controller "msg"="Reconciler error" "error"="failed to reconcile VM: error getting network specs for \"infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha3, Kind=VSphereVM tkg-system/tkg7mgmt-tkg-system-lb\":
unable to create new ethernet card backing info for network \"DSwitch-Management\" on \"infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha3, Kind=VSphereVM tkg-system/tkg7mgmt-tkg-system-lb\":
failed to create EthernetCardBackingInfo for /RegionA01/network/DSwitch-Management: System.Read privilege required for config.distributedVirtualSwitch" "controller"="vspherevm" "request"={"Namespace":"tkg-system","Name":"tkg7mgmt-tkg-system-lb"}
vCenter Event :
07/01/2020, 8:18:17 PMPrivilege check failed for user VSPHERE.LOCAL\blueuser
for missing permission VirtualMachine.Config.AddRemoveDevice. Session user
performing the check:
Related events:
There are no related events.
Creating a cluster with a worker node that has a different disk size fails since the TKG user didn't have Virtual machine "Extend virtual disk" permission.
Target: RegionA01
07/02/2020, 1:38:25 AMPrivilege check failed for user VSPHERE.LOCAL\blueuser
for missing permission VirtualMachine.Config.DiskExtend. Session user performing the check:
Creating the PVC pod fails (pending state) since the TKG user doesn't have:-
- Profile-driven storage: "Profile-driven storage view"
- Datastore: "Browse datastore" and "Low level file operations"
++/var/log/ pods/kube-system_vsphere-csi-controller-6c46bb949c-47n2f_a8b17c79-b9a6-429e-a4fb-ac28bb382c62/csi-provisioner/0.log++
2020-07-02T18:56:07.047362808Z stderr F I0702 18:56:07.046838 1 event.go:255] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"PersistentVolumeClaim", Namespace:"default", Name:"mysql-pv-claim", UID:"01833c26-3b02-4b56-9e40-869f66caa13a", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"34264", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Warning' reason: 'ProvisioningFailed'
failed to provision volume with StorageClass "k8s-policy": rpc error: code = Internal desc = Failed to create volume. Error: ServerFaultCode: NoPermission
2020-07-02T17:06:51.092Z [pool-3-thread-15] INFO opId=01b43754-5b12-423f-98a8-3150f1854692 com.vmware.vim.storage.common.security.CommonActivationValidator - [getUserFromVpxdClientManager]
Validating session for user VSPHERE.LOCAL\blueuser for method PbmQueryProfile having correlator 231449
2020-07-02T17:06:51.111Z [pool-3-thread-15] ERROR opId=01b43754-5b12-423f-98a8-3150f1854692 com.vmware.vim.storage.common.security.CommonActivationValidator - Failed to validate session
Velero backups fail to successfully complete and fails on uploading a snapshot since the the TKG user is missing the following Global permissions
Disable methods
Enable methods
++velero+tmp/vmware-root/vixDiskLib.log++2020-08-17T18:41:18.267Z| host-13| E110: VixDiskLib: VixDiskLib_PrepareForAccess: Disable Storage VMotion failed.
Error 3014 (Insufficient permissions in the host operating system) (No permission to perform this action.) at 5001.
++Velero datamanager pod logs++
kubectl logs datamgr-for-vsphere-plugin-bqvs5 -n velero
│ 2020-08-17T18:32:02.093Z warning -[00008] [Originator@6876 sub=vimaccess] cannot get thumbprint: SSL error code '151441516', exception: 'Wrong X.509 Certificate format'
│ 2020-08-17T18:32:02.094Z warning -[00032] [Originator@6876 sub=Default] Closing Response processing in unexpected state: 3
│ time="2020-08-17T18:32:02Z" level=error msg="Failed at copying to remote repository" Local PEID="ivd:7e15fbcf-aa75-4162-b55b-3a84e987ec1d:d12d3b07-95d6-488c-9a99-56ea6869fg"
error="Prepare for access failed. The error code is 3014. with error code: 3014" error.file
Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.
Disable methods
Enable methods
Cloud Admin (vSphere 7 with Kubernetes only)
Change Configuration
Add existing disk
Add or remove device
Extend virtual disk
Modify device settings
Remove disk
The vCenter.
Datacenters or datacenter folders.
Datastores or datastore folders
Hosts and clusters.
The deployed TKG OVF templates.
TKG resource pools (With Propagate to children).
The Networks to which the clusters will be assigned to.
ex "DSwitch-Management" Distributed Port Group.
The Distributed Switch.
The TKG VM and Template folders (With Propagate to children).