==> vsphere: Goss validate failed
==> vsphere: Inpect mode on : proceeding without failing Packer
==> vsphere:
==> vsphere:
==> vsphere:
==> vsphere: Downloading spec file and debug info
vsphere: Downloading Goss specs from, /tmp/goss-spec.yaml and /tmp/debug-goss-spec.yaml to current dir
==> vsphere: Executing shutdown command...
<output truncated>
=> vsphere (shell-local): Running local shell script: /tmp/packer-shell393847398
"kubernetes_semver": "V1.20.4+vmware.1",
==> vsphere (shell-local): Opening OVF source: ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.20.4+vmware. 1.ovf
==> vsphere (shell-local): The manifest validates
==> vsphere (shell-local): Error: SHA digest of file ubuntu-2004kube-v1.20.4+vmware. 1.ovf does not match manifest
==> vsphere (shell-local): Completed with errors
==> vsphere (shell-local): image-build-ova: cd.
==> vsphere (shell-local): image-build-ova: loaded ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.20.4+vmware. 1.4+vmware.1
⇒ vsphere (shell-local): image-build-ova: create ovf ubuntu 2004-kube-v1.20.4+vmware. 1. ovf
⇒ vsphere (shell-local): image-build-ova: creating OVA from ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.20.4+vmware. 1.ovf using ovftool
==> vsphere (shell-local): Traceback (most recent call last):
==> vsphere (shell-local): File "../../hack/image-build-ova.py"line 285, in <module>
==> vsphere (shell-local): main()
==> vsphere (shell-local): File "../../hack/image-build-ova.py", line 199, in main ⇒ vsphere (shell-local): create ova (ova, ovf
==> vsphere (shell-local): File "../../hack/image-build-ova.py", line 229, in create_ova
==> vsphere (shell-local): subprocess.check_call(args)
==> vsphere (shell-local): File "/usr/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py", line 364, in check_call => vsphere (shell-local): raise Called ProcessError(retcode, cmd)
==> vsphere (shell-local): subprocess. CalledProcessError: Command lovftool', 'ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.20.4+vmware. 1.ovt', 'ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.20.4+vmware. 1. ova'l' returned non-zero exit status 1.
==> vsphere: Running post-processor: custom-post-processor (type shell-local)
==> vsphere (shell-local): Running local shell script: /tmp/packer-shel1963615762
Build 'vsphere' errored after 19 minutes 41 seconds: 1 error(s) occurred: