The metrics_server process is in a "does not exist" status on the bosh director VM
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The metrics_server process is in a "does not exist" status on the bosh director VM


Article ID: 317030


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated (TKGi)


  • In the Opsman UI, the Bosh director tile status has a warning 
  • The metrics_server process is in a "does not exist" status on the bosh director VM
  • Manually starting the process does note affect the status
  • All bosh operations continue to run without issue  
  • You see messages similar to the following in the metrics_server.stderr.log on the bosh director VM:

from /var/vcap/packages/director/bin/bosh-director-metrics-server:29:in `<main>'
/var/vcap/data/packages/director/4881f3db8885fcd9c9ecb7ace4b500377f6e9362/gem_home/ruby/2.6.0/gems/bosh-director-0.0.0/lib/bosh/director/deployment_plan/cloud_manifest_parser.rb:120:in `parse_vm_extensions': Duplicate vm extension name 'disk_enable_uuid' (Bosh::Director::DeploymentDuplicateVmExtensionName)

  • The bosh configuration has a duplicate vm extension named 'disk_enable_uuid'. Note: You can validate by running the bosh configs command and looking for output similar to the following:
    bosh config 6
    Using environment 'xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxx.xxxxxxxxx' as client 'ops_manager'
    ID          6
    Type        cloud
    Name        pivotal-container-service-a302e8c394749f450fc1
    Created At  2020-05-11 07:11:40 UTC
    Content     vm_extensions:
                - cloud_properties:
                      disk.enableUUID: "1"
                  name: disk_enable_uuid
                - cloud_properties:
                    upgrade_hw_version: true
                  name: set_version_hardware
    bosh config 17
    Using environment 'xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxx.xxxxxxxxx' as client 'ops_manager'
    ID          17
    Type        cloud
    Name        pivotal-container-service-8733db4721bf2071cdc2
    Created At  2020-05-12 09:33:59 UTC
    Content     vm_extensions:
                - cloud_properties:
                      disk.enableUUID: "1"
                  name: disk_enable_uuid
                - cloud_properties:
                    upgrade_hw_version: true
                  name: set_version_hardware
    Note: From the bosh configs output, you can see that these are both for the PKS VM.


VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition 1.x


After identifying the duplicate bosh config, delete it by running bosh delete-config <ID>.