How to Renew Self-Signed certificate of VCH (vSphere Container Host)
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How to Renew Self-Signed certificate of VCH (vSphere Container Host)


Article ID: 317001


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


This article provides the steps to renew the Self-Signed certificate of a VCH (vSphere Container Host)


VMware vSphere Integrated Containers 1.x


  1. SSH to VIC appliance VM.
  2. Navigate to directory which has the VCH folders.
  3. Backup the respective VCH folder. Ex: command --> mv <VCH_Name> <VCH_Name>.bak
  4. Run a command similar to the following in the ssh console of VIC Appliance VM:
./vic-machine-linux configure --target <vcenter_address_or _fqdn> --user [email protected] --password xxxxx --thumbprint ZH:XX:YY:YY --name <VCH_name> (This name has to be same as that of the VCH which you backed up) --tls-cname <VCH_Name>
Note: A new <VCH_Name> folder should be created
  1. Navigate to the newly created VCH directory and run a command similar to the following to validate the updated certificate:
openssl x509 -in ca.pem -text -noout
Note: You should see output similar to the following:

    Not Before: Sep 27 16:35:01 2018 GMT
    Not After : Sep 28 16:35:01 2019 GMT