- SSH to VIC appliance VM.
- Navigate to directory which has the VCH folders.
- Backup the respective VCH folder. Ex: command --> mv <VCH_Name> <VCH_Name>.bak
- Run a command similar to the following in the ssh console of VIC Appliance VM:
./vic-machine-linux configure --target <vcenter_address_or _fqdn> --user [email protected] --password xxxxx --thumbprint ZH:XX:YY:YY --name <VCH_name> (This name has to be same as that of the VCH which you backed up) --tls-cname <VCH_Name>.domain.com
Note: A new <VCH_Name> folder should be created
- Navigate to the newly created VCH directory and run a command similar to the following to validate the updated certificate:
openssl x509 -in ca.pem -text -noout
Note: You should see output similar to the following:
Not Before: Sep 27 16:35:01 2018 GMT
Not After : Sep 28 16:35:01 2019 GMT