How to set the VCH root password
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How to set the VCH root password


Article ID: 317000


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


This article provides steps to set the VCH root Password.
  • You can use the vic-machine debug command to enable shell access to a virtual container host (VCH) endpoint VM by setting a root password on the VM. Setting a root password enables access to the VCH endpoint VM via the VM console only.
  • After the VCH has been deployed you can set the root password for debug purposes.



VMware vSphere Integrated Containers 1.x


  1. Log into the machine where you have downloaded the vic-machine binaries.
  2. Navigate to the directory where all the binaries are stored.
  3. Run a command similar to the following to set a root password : 

vic-machine-operating_system debug \
--target vcenter_server_or_esxi_host_address \
--user vcenter_server_or_esxi_host_username \
--password vcenter_server_or_esxi_host_password \
--id vch_id \
--thumbprint certificate_thumbprint \
--rootpw 'new_p@ssword' \

Additional Information

Enable shell access to the VCH Endpoint VM

  • Any changes that you make to a VCH by using vic-machine debug are non-persistent and are discarded if the VCH endpoint VM reboots.