Update the /etc/ntp.conf file located on both SDDC Manager Controller VM and SDDC Manager Utility
VM with the new NTP server IP address
- ssh to the SDDC Manager Controller VM as the root user.
- Run the following command to backup the /etc/ntp.conf file
cp -p /etc/ntp.conf /etc/ntp_bak.conf
- Open the /etc/ntp.conf file with a text editor.
- Replace the old NTP Server IP Address entry "Ex:" with the new one "Ex:".
- Run the following command to restart the NTP service.
systemctl restart ntpd
- Run the following command to check NTP reach number and to confirm that the new NTP server "Ex:". is reachable and working as expected.
ntpq -p
Note: You should see output similar to the following:
remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
* 2 u 37 64 177 33.631 16.227 9.354
Note: If the reach value is 0, this indicates a problem communicating with the configured NTP server and warrants further investigation.
- Perform steps 2 to 6 on the SDDC Manager Utility VM.
Update the evosddcbringupinventory.ntpconfig table in Cassandra with the new NTP server IP address
- ssh to the SDDC Manager Controller VM as the root user.
- Run the following command on the SDDC Manager Controller VM to backup the Cassandra database.
/opt/vmware/sddc-support/sos --cassandra-backup
- Run the following command to examine the NTP sever IP address entries in the ntpconfig table.
/opt/vmware/cassandra/apache-cassandra-2.2.4/bin/cqlsh -e "select id,servers from evosddcbringupinventory.ntpconfig"
Note: You will see output similar to the following:
id | servers
4f223150-17d3-11e9-961b-17401e604726 | [""]
0b78db90-14ca-11e9-961b-17401e604726 | [""]
Note: Make a note of the id value corresponding to the external NTP server IP address as it will be used in the next step.
- Issue a command similar to the following to update the ntpconfig table with the new NTP server IP address .
/opt/vmware/cassandra/apache-cassandra-2.2.4/bin/cqlsh -e "update evosddcbringupinventory.ntpconfig set servers='[\"\"]' where id=0b78db90-14ca-11e9-961b-17401e604726"
- Run the command from step 5 again to validate that the new NTP server IP Address has been updated appropriately.
/opt/vmware/cassandra/apache-cassandra-2.2.4/bin/cqlsh -e "select id,servers from evosddcbringupinventory.ntpconfig"
Note: You will see output similar to the following:
id | servers
4f223150-17d3-11e9-961b-17401e604726 | [""]
0b78db90-14ca-11e9-961b-17401e604726 | [""]