This article provides instructions on how to collect Bosh deployment logs in VMware PKS environment.
Before proceeding, you will need to access a system that has the BOSH command and has connectivity to the BOSH VM.
Alternately, you can access the BOSH command line from the Ops Manager VM by exporting the bosh command line credentials available at, Ops Manager UI > Bosh Tile > Credentials > Bosh Commandline Credentials.
export BOSH_CLIENT=ops_manager
export BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET=LTYa8CWh0l0YN_Wb4fs0cDTAg1s0096v
export BOSH_CA_CERT=/var/tempest/workspaces/default/root_ca_certificate
List all the bosh deployment names by running the command:
bosh deployments --column=name
ubuntu@clientvm:~$ bosh deployments --column=name
Using environment '' as client 'ops_manager'
3 deployments
To collect logs for all the VMs in a deployment, run this command:
bosh logs -d deployment name
Note: This will collect the logs and save them at the location from where you are running the command.
ubuntu@clientvm:~$ bosh logs -d pivotal-container-service-b3b8732f7ebe9ebbd7b7
Using environment '' as client 'ops_manager'
Using deployment 'pivotal-container-service-b3b8732f7ebe9ebbd7b7'
Task 2584
Task 2584 | 08:03:47 | Fetching logs for pivotal-container-service/db1e7c74-0810-469f-bc24-7a1b262c6b5c (0): Finding and packing log files (00:00:01)
Task 2584 Started Fri Feb 15 08:03:47 UTC 2019
Task 2584 Finished Fri Feb 15 08:03:48 UTC 2019
Task 2584 Duration 00:00:01
Task 2584 done
Downloading resource 'bb13a3cc-b31e-4e33-4de8-b0fb40816ab6' to '/home/ubuntu/pivotal-container-service-b3b8732f7ebe9ebbd7b7-20190215-080343-892599218.tgz'...
To collect the logs and save in a specific location, specify the location as below:
bosh logs -d deployment_name --dir /location
To collect the logs for a specific VM in a deployment, run this command:
bosh logs vm_name -d deployment_name
ubuntu@clientvm:~$ bosh logs master/75268dd4-c8fc-40ed-9dfa-38ca528baf5e -d service-instance_b4b109eb-b732-4425-9941-74779e83e44e
Using environment '' as client 'ops_manager'
Using deployment 'service-instance_b4b109eb-b732-4425-9941-74779e83e44e'
Task 2588
Task 2588 | 08:11:02 | Fetching logs for master/75268dd4-c8fc-40ed-9dfa-38ca528baf5e (0): Finding and packing log files (00:01:19)
Task 2588 Started Fri Feb 15 08:11:02 UTC 2019
Task 2588 Finished Fri Feb 15 08:12:21 UTC 2019
Task 2588 Duration 00:01:19
Task 2588 done
Downloading resource 'ecd8c514-519c-45ee-503b-9a5e6d6e8ddc' to '/home/ubuntu/service-instance_b4b109eb-b732-4425-9941-74779e83e44e.master.75268dd4-c8fc-40ed-9dfa-38ca528baf5e-20190215-081216-774662052.tgz'...
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