To perform the updates, we use the Ops Manager CLI. For more information, see updating a simple property section under Opsmanager api documentation .
Instructions to update these parameters in the PKS Tile:
Get the PKS product GUID using the Ops Manager CLI:
# om -k -t <opsman_IP> -u <opsman_username> -p "<opsman_password>" curl -s -p '/api/v0/staged/products' | jq -cr '.[] | select( .type=="pivotal-container-service" ) | .guid'
Sample Output: pivotal-container-service-0d2397b6f4b0ca35be13
Export it as PKS_GUID:
export PKS_GUID=pivotal-container-service-0d2397b6f4b0ca35be13
export PKS_GUID=$(om -k -t <opsman_IP> -u <opsman_username> -p "<opsman_password>" curl -s -p '/api/v0/staged/products' | jq -cr '.[] | select( .type=="pivotal-container-service" ) | .guid')
Update the property values for below parameters:
For example, the following commands will update them to 18, 6, 12.
om -k -t <opsman_IP> -u <opsman_username> -p '<opsman_password>' curl -x PUT -p "/api/v0/staged/products/${PKS_GUID}/properties" -d '{ "properties": { ".properties.network_selector.nsx.ncp-ha-master-timeout": { "value": 18}, ".properties.network_selector.nsx.ncp-ha-heartbeat-period": { "value": 6}, ".properties.network_selector.nsx.ncp-ha-update-timeout": { "value": 12} }}'
After this change, you need to Apply-Changes on the PKS tile to make it take effect:
New clusters will be deployed with the new values.
If upgrade-all-instances errand is enabled, all existing clusters will be updated to new values during apply-changes.