Validate that the internal container IPs are overlapping the PKS cluster worker IPs. Use bosh ssh to ssh to the harbor-app. Then run the following.
sudo su -
cd /var/vcap/packages/docker/bin/
./docker -H unix:///var/vcap/sys/run/docker/dockerd.sock network inspect $(./docker -H unix:///var/vcap/sys/run/docker/dockerd.sock network ls -q)|grep -B1 "Gateway" If the PKS cluster and Harbor internal networks overlap then set the "Address pool1 base" to a subnet that does not overlap with the node IP block. This is done in the OpsMan UI in the Harbor Tile Networking for customized container network settings. For details See the section "
Configure Networking " in the harbor documentation.
The PKS node IP block range can be checked in the NSX-T UI in the IPAM settings under the advanced network menu settings.