Duplicate IP when static IP is assigned for service type loadbalancer from the Floating IP Pool
Article ID: 316782
Updated On:
VMware Cloud PKS
You assign a static IP to service type loadbalancer from the Floating IP Pool
The same IP get reused by NCP when another service is created
Issue is not seen if the IP is dynamically assigned to the kubernetes service
VMware PKS 1.x
The issue occurs as the IP does not get added to allocated IP list in the Floating IP Pool if the loadbalancer IP is updated explicitly in the service deployment file.
This is expected behavior.
Assigning static IP is not the standard way to consume a kubernetes service of type LB with PKS/NSX-T. NCP is the main component and you should use the dynamic IP (picked from PKS floating IP pool) assigned to the kubernetes service. Forcing this IP to a desired value is not supported.
Additional Information
Impact/Risks: Since the IP is not added to allocated IP list, the same IP may get used for any other service like SNAT created by NCP leading to a duplicate IP issue.