[14:45:41] Successfully backed up:
[14:45:41] FAILED: service-instance_5fbd1dee-8303-4e46-9fb1-0c16ddb688b6, service-instance_2f68e7a1-2f33-4df0-8822-108d944bb68b, service-instance_588f049d-7dcf-4c42-bdc0-05d2a1ed31c8 3 out of 3 deployments cannot be backed up:
Deployment 'service-instance_5fbd1dee-8303-4e46-9fb1-0c16ddb688b6':
1 error occurred:
error 1:
failed creating artifact directory
Deployment 'service-instance_2f68e7a1-2f33-4df0-8822-108d944bb68b':
1 error occurred:
error 1:
failed creating artifact directory
Deployment 'service-instance_588f049d-7dcf-4c42-bdc0-05d2a1ed31c8':
1 error occurred:
error 1:
failed creating artifact directory
Running SSH:
1 error occurred:
* Running command: 'ssh -tt -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o ForwardAgent=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o IdentityFile=/home/upamadm/.bosh/tmp/ssh-priv-key12345678 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/home/upamadm/.bosh/tmp/ssh-known-hosts359164897 -o ProxyCommand=nc -x %!h(MISSING) %!p(MISSING) -o StrictHostKeyChecking=yes -l bosh_e1881c0b98f148f', stdout: '', stderr: '': exit status 255
Exit code 1
This is a known issue with compatibility of BoshCLI and GNU versions of NetCat. The jumpbox or host from where the BBR cli is run should have an OpenBSD version of NetCat.
Note: On Operating Systems like CentOS or Redhat, the default version comes with GNU NetCat, which is not compatible with bosh cli.
To avoid this issue, install an openBSD NetCat version on your BBR jumpbox or hosthttps://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq4.html