The SoS utility incorrectly reports vSAN health warnings when VMware Cloud Foundation logs are collected
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The SoS utility incorrectly reports vSAN health warnings when VMware Cloud Foundation logs are collected


Article ID: 316759


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Foundation


  • The SoS utility may incorrectly report vSAN health warnings when VMware Cloud Foundation logs are collected. You may see output similar to the following in the /var/log/vmware/vcf/sddc-support/sos-<timestamp>/health-report.log file on the SDDC Manager VM:
| SL# | Area | Title | State |
| 1 | ESXi : esx-1.dellrack17.vmware.corp | Total no. of disks : 4, Unhealthy disks : 1 | RED |
| | | vSAN Health Status | RED |
| 2 | ESXi : esx-2.dellrack17.vmware.corp | Total no. of disks : 7, Unhealthy disks : 1 | RED |
| | | vSAN Health Status | RED |
| 3 | ESXi : esx-3.dellrack17.vmware.corp | Total no. of disks : 10 | GREEN |
| | | vSAN Health Status | GREEN |
| 4 | vCenter : vcenter-1.dellrack17.vmware.corp - Cluster : SDDC-Cluster1 | Proactive Cluster VM Create Test | GREEN |
| | | ** Deduplication disabled on this cluster. | |
| | | Total no. of hosts in cluster : 3 | GREEN |
| | | ** Encryption disabled on this cluster. | |
| | | ** Compression disabled on this cluster. | |
| | | Cluster vSAN Health Status | GREEN |

Note: The preceding excerpt is only an example. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.
  • You may see that the vSAN health check is GREEN when you run the SoS utility with the --health-check or --storage-check switches.


This is a known issue affecting VMware Cloud Foundation 3.0. There is currently no resolution.

To workaround this issue, run the sos command with the --no-health-check option when collecting logs to avoid the false-positive vSAN health status. To obtain accurate vSAN health status, run the sos command with the --storage-health option.

Additional Information

vSAN Health Service - Physical Disk Health - Physical disk health retrieval issue

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