[VMC on AWS] HCX Service Mesh creation fails with the error "Service Insertion config not found, while configuring logical switches!"
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[VMC on AWS] HCX Service Mesh creation fails with the error "Service Insertion config not found, while configuring logical switches!"


Article ID: 316690


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS


This article provides information how to avoid this error while creating HCX Service Mesh with VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC.

Creating HCX Service Mesh with VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC fails with the following error.

"Service Insertion config not found, while configuring logical switches!"


Please edit your Service Mesh and check the setting for "Destination Site Network Profile(s)" in the section "Advanced Configuration - Override Uplink Network profiles (Optional)".

You need to select the proper Network Profile here depending on how your system connects to the VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC side. 
Please select "externalNetwork" if you use the internet, or select "directConnectNetwork*" (* should be a number) if you use the AWS Direct Connect to connect your on-prem system and VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC.

Additional Information

Configuring and Managing HCX Interconnect with Multi-Site Services Mesh