[VMC on AWS] Tunnel Status on on-premise side shows "Service pipeline status is down"
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[VMC on AWS] Tunnel Status on on-premise side shows "Service pipeline status is down"


Article ID: 316681


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS


This article provides information on how to resolve a HCX tunnel status issue.

  • All HCX services are RED status in Service Mesh tab.
  • Run diagnostics completes successfully even though all HCX services are RED status.
  • Tunnel Status shows "Down" and the following messages are described when an information icon is clicked.
    • Overall transport tunnel status is up.
    • Overall encryption tunnel status is up.
    • Service pipeline status is down.
  • The following down status can be seen when an HCX health check is performed.
|-- gateway status(fail): Peer site connectivity is down
      |-- Appliance System Status: good
      |-- Peer Site Connectivity: down
              |-- WANOPT Status: down


This issue happens if there is a connection problem between an IX appliance and a WAN-OPT appliance.


  • Make sure the Network adaptor on a WAN-OPT appliance is connected to a correct network.
  • Make sure packets between two appliances aren't dropped by firewall.
  • Move two appliances on the same ESXi host and check the connectivity to see if there is any problem inside the ESXi host.
  • Review the overall network configurations if this problem only happens when two appliances are on the different ESXi hosts.